I am generating from Exodus 24:12;
"......And the LORD יהוה said unto Moses,
come up to me into the mount, and
be there: and I will give thee tables
of stones, and a law, and commandments
which I יהוה have written; that thou
mayest teach them......"
According to the Hebrew reference number 8451 of the Strong's Concordance:
Tôwrâh is a "Precept or Statute", especially, "The Decalogue" or "The Pentateuch":- law. Now we've heard that Tôwrâh means Law. Towrah comes from reference number 3384 which is the word: Yârâh meaning, "To teach, direct, inform,instruct".
And Precept is from Hebrew reference number 4687 of the Strong's Concordance is Mitsvâh and is defined as "A command, whether human or divine". Mitsvâh came from reference number 6680 which is the Hebrew word; Tsâvâh meaning "To appoint, give a charge, send a messenger, set in order.
This is a command or principle intended as a general rule of action; and acoording to The Synonym Finder by: J.I. Rodale ©1978, on page 20; Action as a noun; is also,"Movement, motion; most of all, the performance of Judah as an awakened L-ion- chosen to execute and enact יהוה(YAHWEH)'s Laws mentally and physically; while יהוה takes care of the Spiritual(Psalms 17:2).
Once again, Exodus 24:12, states in part,
"......And the LORD יהוה said unto Moses,
come up to me into the mount......"
"Come" from Hebrew reference number 5927 of the Strong's Concordance is `Âlâh and it means to "Ascend; intransitively (be high) or actively (mount), it also means "To work, to recover; to restore"; and very importantly, in relation to the Ten Step Study Scale by YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH, "Scale" which means "To ascend, and ascend is to Rise! `Âlâh also means "To come to exist".
"......And יהוה says to you and me--"COME" up to me into the mount..."ASCEND" or "RISE" up to me into the mount......"And {be} there".......
"Be" translated in Hebrew is Hâyâh from Hebrew reference number 1961 of the Strong's Concordance, meaning "To exist, that is become, come to pass". Be speaks emphatically of the present tense, as existing "here and now"; currently! Be means "To be born, by nature, bring forth". Be is used in this verse as a past participle intransitive verbal action spoken by יהוה, as a primitive perfect tense in connotation with the pre-position (there)! In simple English (Be There) is a fixed time and place!
...And the LORD יהוה said unto Moses,
come up to me into the mount, and "Be There......"
Based on the Webster's Concise Dictionary on page 763; There, as an adverb, means "In or at that place";... Notice the semi-colon changing the definition..."In place other than that of the speaker". That definition should arouse your curiosity, as to whose the speaker in this verse--sending you where?
(Note that [LORD] is Capitalized; and [me] is not)
In reference to יהוה supposedly speaking in the self pronoun, "I" is capitalized...unto Moses, come! There as a pronominal expletive introducing a clause or sentence, the subject usually following the verb. In simple English, "there" expresses "where".
"Pronominal" on page 581, of the Webster's Concise Dictionary, proves this...which is, "Of, pertaining to, like, or having the nature of a pronoun".....(I) and (LORD). "Pronoun" is "A word used as a substitute for a noun". The root of these words is Latin, rightly divided(2 Tim. 2:15) as "Pro": "In place of" + "Nomen": meaning "Name". "Expletive" from the same source, on page 250, as an adjective is "Used as a addition to fill a sentence". Example: "I, יהוה, demand that you come up and meet me there!!!" Where my name is at....? Where is that?
Suddenly, these sentences turns to questions. We were taught improper grammar to end sentences with words that become prepositions--that is Pre-positions. Example: "Where do you at"?
If you deleted the last word in each sentence, the sentence remains complete without it...
Therefore let us return to decoding Exodus 24:12:
"...And יהוה said unto Moses,
come up to me into the mount, and be there......"
In this verse, we need a word to affirm the place to be. Whenever you're decoding grammar, it is secretly-- The "Tetra-Gramma-Ton{4--Letter--Math}/ 4-Intrrrogatives/ What, When, Where, Why. This is the proper procedure to applying the Ten Step Study Scale by YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH.
Let us proceed, Exodus 24:12, in part....And the Lord יהוה said unto Moses, come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stones...."
Tables from the Hebrew reference number 3871 of the Strong's Concordance is: Lûwach meaning "To glisten". Based on the American Heritage Dictionary, on page 580; Glisten means "To shine by reflection with a sparkling luster, a sparkling lustrous shine". From the same source on page 808; Lustrous is "To have a sheen or glow: Gleaming with or as with brilliant light [Please refer to the Synonym of Bright on page 175]." Bright is synonymous to "Radiant, luminous, and brilliant." Brilliant from Webster's Concise Dictionary on pages 89-90, definition 3; it is "Strikingly intelligent, extraordinarily able and talented." And as a noun, it is "A diamond cut with many facets."
".....And the Lord יהוה said unto Moses, come up to me into the mount,
and be there: and I will give thee tables of stones...."
Now here is why the Ten Step Scale is so vital: Stone based on Hebrew reference number 68 in Strong's Concordance is "Eben" meaning "To build: as a mason" from the root of Hebrew reference number 1129; which is the Hebrew word Bânâh meaning literally and figuratively "(Being to) as in right now, build, become a builder, make, repair, set up, surely." This is a whole new look at the word stone! Due to the fact, it translates into "Ben" from the Hebrew reference number 1121, which is also from the root number 1129, and it means "A son"; pay attention to that fact.
I know you automatically think of the King, YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH; but you see, it is also includes, "Grandson, subject, nation, quality, and condition." I wont go any futher, because I'm only Ten Stepping. This is only cracking the codes of the verse.
Exodus 24:12, in part;
"......And I יהוה, will give thee tables(brilliant) of stones(sons)......"[please refer to Lexicon Aids, both Hebrew and Greek, Key Study Bible-reference number 1129]
Exodus 24:12, in part;
"......And the LORD יהוה said unto Moses,
come up to me into the mount......"
"Mount" from Hebrew reference number 2022 of the Strong's Concordance is pronounced "Har" and is defined as "Promotion." And is a shorten form of reference number 2042 "Hârâr" meaning "To loom up".
These definitions make you reconsider the thought of a literal mountain that Moses climbed. "Mount" in the American Heritage Dictionary, on page 891,
definition 2; as a noun is "A means of conveyance". And definition 9, as a verb, it means "To prepare or set in motion." And as we see, from the Strong's definition that this motion is "Pro".
Psalms 75:6-7, from Hebrew reference number 7311, Promotion is pronounced Rûwm.
......"For promotion cometh neither from the
east, nor from the west, nor from the
But יהוה is the judge He putteth down
one, and setteth up another."
"Pro(1)" according to the American Heritage Dictionary, on page 1090; is "An agrument or consideration in favor of something; one who supports a proposal or takes the affirmative side in debate."
Now you know who that "One" is: יהוה
יהוה, the tetragrammaton; He who can rightly pronounce it causeth heaven and earth to tremble, for it is the name which rushes through the Universe. The 4-fold process of the Holy Name, is the key that opens the door to the Kingdom of Heaven. The 4-Divine Letters that make up the Father's name is also a Divine Formula describing the Universal process.
(יYOD) is symbolized by the hand and represents the principle of force. It is the simplest in construction of all Hebrew letters; it is the fundamental unit by which the other letters are formed. It symbolizes a flame, it is masculine, active, and creative; it is the principle of force.
(הHÊ) the window, is repeated in as a fourth and last letter of the tetragrammaton. Here it indicates a pattern or structure which is the result of the first three(3) letters acting as one, the second HÊ indicates manifestation of form.
(וWAW) is symbolized by a peg, and is the activity of force{YOD} moving through receiving character of HÊ, to WAW, the principle of activity.
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