- In July 1967 a one world government system was organized in Geneva, Switzerland by a United Nations meeting.
- On that date, they decided to dissolve the United Nations to make room for a neew world order.
- The new world order will seize all possessions, savings and personal bank deposits.
- Every man, woman and child will receive a certain amount of money and a number from this new one world government system.
- The one world currency is already printed and ready to be put into circulation.
- In the near future the one world currency will be issued. Every dollar will then be traded. You will receive one dollar for every ten you now have; the banker will handle what money you get. You won't handle any of it.
- At a United Nations meeting they stated that you would receive a number from the world government system. The number will promise the right to buy and sell. At this statement a christian stood up and asked what would happen to the poeple who wouldn't go alomg with this. They then stated, "Their number will be canceled with a black line at the world bank system and they will be forced to destruction."
- That every person will have the number of his bank account tattooed on his forhead or the back of their right hand. The tattoo will be put on with a laser and will be invisible. It will show up under ultraviolet light. ASK ABOUT IT AT YOUR BANK.
- The new cash registers are linked up to computers by telephone cables in major department stores throughout the nation. They will eventually be linked to banks.
- These cash registers have a connection for a box which will photograph the number with ultraviolet light.
- They will try to get you used to this by first using the marks and numbers that are appearing on everything you buy at the grocers.
- The new pushbutton telephones have too many buttons. According to phone company executives this extra button will be connected to your bank. When you push this button you will start talking to a computer at your bank and will tell this computer what bills and the amount to be paid. Your bills will then be paid immediately, you will not handle any money. These are already used in Oregon and Washington. The bank will handle all money.
- YOU WILL BE DOOMED TO HELL IF YOU TAKE THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST (Rev. 14:9-11; Rev. 16:2). Without this number which is 666 (Rev.13:18), you will be forced to destruction. It's happening quickly and rapidly around us. WHAT MUST YOU DO?
- Since Dec. 12, 1973, an amazing thing has happened. In March 1974, it was stated by the European economic market that they needed a leader. They suggested Dr. Henry Kissinger. Since that time, in just ten months, one dozen nations have changed leaders. They either died, resigned or were kicked out of office. Men who were against uniting the United States of America and the European economic market, they are now out. The men who took their places are for this uniting.
- The MARK OF THE BEAST is in the United States. The Federal Reserve System is changing over their bank account numbers to a number recording three groups with six digits, 666.
- The number of the selective service system is 666
- The first three numbers of the new social security system is 666
- In Brussels, Germany, a computer is set up to give everybody in the world a number overnight. It can talk and they say it is alive. They named it the BEAST.
- In Alabama, a computer system is linked up to every bank in Alabama. It is in Birmingham. It works so well, they say it is alive and they gave it a name also.
- These computers will be linked together one with another throughout the world by telephone cables. It's all ready and those who do not take the number of the Beast will be killed. We'd better be ready!!! If we take the number, we are doomed to HELL!!!
The Nation of יהוה believes that there is one God, יהוה , the father of all men. That the Holy Bible and יהוה בן יהוה is the Great Light and the Rule and Guide for faith and practice of all the LAWS, STATUTES, JUDGMENTS, and COMMANDMENTS of יהוה , and those who believe in Him and His Name are IMMORTAL. SHALOM BERAKAH!!!
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