This is a question that I randomly ask people of whom I come in contact with who consider themselves ‘intellectuals‘; “Are you Living or Existing?” And some look at me with a look that says, “What you think? You‘re looking at me aren‘t you?” And they tell me that they are living and some may even reply that they are existing. In the back of my mind; I am saying ye must be perfect as my Father, יהוה , which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).
Baruach hakodesh Shem, יהוה , Elohiym Gibbowr! Ata qodesh veshimcha kodesh, ukadosheem bechal yom yahallucha. Baruach ata, יהוה , ha-El hakodesh. Ata chonayn leadam da’at, umlamayd lehehnosh binah. Chanaynu meetcha dayah binah vehaskayl. Baruach ata ,יהוה chonayn ha-da’at! [Blessed be the Holy Name of יהוה , The Mighty God! You are Holy and Your Name is Holy, and everyday holy ones will praise You. Blessed are You, יהוה , the Holy God. You grant man knowledge and teach insight to human beings. Endow us graciously from You with knowledge, insight and wisdom. Blessed are You, יהוה, the Giver of Wisdom!]
Huh? What? Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? So I answer them by saying; “Are you not the bread of God, יהוה , which came down from Heaven, and giveth life unto the world, please share with me, your humbled servant, this bread (St. John 6:33-34).” Is this not you? St. John 10:27-30:
Are you and my Father, יהוה , one? Please explain to me? Your humbled servent, יואב , so that I may follow your percepts, and live! No! this is not you! So why do you say to me that you are living, and even for that matter; existing? Because your voice I know not, and on top of that, my Father, יהוה , would never do such a thing; according to Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18:
See, the thing with most people is, to them; living and/or existing is simply being able to go about their merry little way, day by day; eating, sleeping, going to and fro; and interacting in everyday activities, boy were you wrong! 1 Timothy 5:6:
What’s going on here is really not a gender thing, ‘cause as you should know, ישראל , was liken or should I say is likened unto a bride and יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה is the bridegroom; so while you’re thinking that you are alive just because you have the breath of life in your lungs; you are as dead as a doorknob. Let me give you an example of what living is from the Book of Jasher; but you all can follow along with me in Genesis 2:7; Jasher chapter 1 verse 2 and it reads:
That’s what living is right there; “giving life;” oh, you thought just because you have a couple of rugrats running around the house that you are “giving life.” Nope, so you might as well get that thought out of your mind right now, because you are deceiving yourself!! Oh, how do I figure that, no; how do you figure that you “gave life?” you best to go and read Genesis 2:7 again and listen to what יהוה said how He “gave life:”
יהוה said He formed man and FORM by definition as according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version, on page F2874; definition 2a; is “THE ESSENCE OF SOMETHING,” and ESSENCE from this same source on page E2537; definitions 1-3; is (1)“THE INTRINSIC OR INDISPENSABLE PROPERTIES THAT SERVE TO CHARACTERIZE OR IDENTIFY SOMETHING;” hold it right there; INTRINSIC OR INDISPENSABLE.
See, neither you nor me are intrinsic or indispensable in the giving of life; for to be intrinsic means that you belong to the real nature of a thing. And to be indispensable means that you are absolutely necessary. Which, we are neither; because again our Great, Good, and Terrible God, יהוה , said He FORMED man of the dust of the ground; so do you still think that you are capable of giving life? (2)”THE MOST IMPORTANT INGRDIENT; THE CRUCIAL ELEMENT,” what? the CRUCIAL ELEMENT. To be crucial means that you are extremely significant or important; that without you there will be nothing at all. I will hate to have to burst your little bubble and knock you off your little donkey that you thought was a high horse! (3)”THE INHERENT, UNCHANGING NATURE OF A THING OR CLASS OF THINGS.” That is Malachi 3:6, which reads:
יהוה , said He change not. Everyday, we as human beings are constantly changing in our ways; because before the King יהוה בן יהוה came to us in the first advent we were just regular everyday niggers. Then, we changed from niggers to gods, from violent to humble; from Jehovah to יהוה , from Jesus to יהוה בן יהוה , from cannibals to vegetarians; all of this constitutes as a change. We are all guilty of this. So how could you/I/we be living or existing? when we are not the inherent, unchanging, intrinsic, indispensable, and crucial element that formed man from the dust of the ground. To be existing is far more profound and complex than we think it is. Let us examine what it mean to exist. EXIST on the authority of the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary; Reference # 3426; is the Hebrew word “ יש YESH,” and means “TO STAND OUT, OR EXIST; ENTITY;” and in The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale; on page 1158; STAND OUT is synonymous with “BE CONSPICIOUS; BE PROMINENT; BE NOTICEABLE and EXTRAORDINARY.” These are the things that causes one to be in existence. When you are being conspicuous, you are attracting attention by being unusually and remarkably noticeable; you become widely known, you also become eminent as a result of being prominent, outstanding and extraordinary in character and overall performance towering over others. STAND OUT; from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on page S6975; means that you are “ONE THAT IS CONSPICIOUS BY VIRTUE OF EXCELLENCE OR SUPERIORITY.” One of the definitions of being superior is “to be above being affected or influenced,” which is something none of us can say that we are because we’re all affected and influenced by certain elements surrounding us day to day. It’s a well known fact proven and tried. Point in the case being; when you dress up in your white garments and diadem, with your tools in hand--you know the tools that I am referring to: Lessons 1 and 2; the Yellow Book [You Are Not A Nigger]; your King James Version Bible; and various other tools that you might have with you to go out and gather the sheep of your Father, יהוה . You affect and influence the minds of those who are still sleeping that they are a chosen and peculiar people; and a holy nation (Deuteronomy 7:6 and 14:2, 1 Peter 2:9-10).
Doing that is an influence. יהוה influences us, His Holy People to adhere to His Laws, Statues, Judgments and Commandments, or suffer the consequences of our transgressions against His Laws that were set forth. Once again showing that we are not capable of being unchanging like our Great, Good, and Terrible God, יהוה , who is just and pure just as He said in Job 4:17:
“Shall mortal man be more just than God, יהוה ? shall a man be more pure than his maker?”
MORTAL means that you are “LIABLE OR SUBJECT TO DEATH,” as according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on page M4735; definition 1. In addition, from the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary; Reference # 582; it is the Hebrew word “ אנוש ‘ENOWSH from Strong’s Hebrew # 605 אנש ’ANASH and means “TO BE FRAIL, FEEBLE, OR (FIGURATIVELY) MELANCHOLY:--DESPERATE(-LY WICKED), INCURABLE, SICK, WOEFUL.”
How could you even consider that you are living or existing considering these circumstances of being a liability and subjected to death; inside of this feeble and desperately wicked, sick and incurable vessel of flesh that our soul abideth in. You can’t because it’s sick; the whole head thereof; Isaiah 1:6:
יהוה , Elohiym Gibbowr (The Mighty God) does not posses these qualities, because He, and Him alone is sELf-existent and eternal, we, in the fleshy vessels that we are in is prone for death. Now I want you to bare/bear in mind that what is being said in this chapter; is not referring to the physical life, but to that of the spirituel living and existing, because it would be foolish of me to speak in such a manner. With that being said let us us examine the word LIVING from the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary; Reference # 2421; which is the Hebrew word “ חיה CHAYAH” and it has the meanings of “TO LIVE, GIVE (PROMISE) LIFE, RECOVER, REPAIR, RESTORE (TO LIFE), REVIVE.” In addition, from the Hebrew English Lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldean Words; Reference #2421 “ חיה CHAYAH” means “GIVING, PRESERVING, and RESTORING LIFE, STRENGTHEN and MAKE EFFECTUAL.” These are the things one must be able to do in order to be living. One must be able to give the promise of life; revive, preserve, recover, repair, and restore back to life. I don’t know about you, but I only know of one who is capable of such marvelous wonders: Romans 14:9:
PRAISE יהוה !!! PRAISE יהוה בן יהוה !!! PRAISE יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה!!!
Restore, by definition in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on pages R6136-6137: definitions 1-3; means “TO BRING BACK INTO EXISTENCE OR USE; REESTABLISH;” “TO BRING BACK TO AN ORIGINAL CONDITION;” “TO PUT (SOMEONE) BACK IN A FORMER POSITION.” In addition, in The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale; on page 1029; RESTORE is synonymous to “PUT NEW LIFE INTO, RECALL TO LIFE and QUICKEN.” St. John 6:63:
1 Corinthians 15:45:
ζωοποιεω ZOOPOIEO [dzo-op-oy-eh‘-o]; Strong’s Greek Dictionary; Reference # 2227] is the Greek word for quickeneth; and it means to “MAKE ALIVE, GIVE LIFE.” It is the spirit that gives life to make you alive. To make you alive to what? Well, let’s have a look at the Strong’s Greek Dictionary; Reference # 2473; ισοψυχος ISOPSUCHOS [ee-sop‘-soo-khos]; which is the Greek word for spirit and it means to be “OF A SIMILAR SPIRIT” and “LIKEMINDED.” Philippians 2:2:
This is another mystery in the Secrets of the Triune God that’s being cryptically bared to your mind, by that I mean: manifested, opened, exposed, and downright brought to the light: oh, there is hope; that we; ישראל; may be able to bring about mental life to this world. Philippians 2:5, 6:
But it’s not up to me to give you this secret, you must study and show thyself approved unto God יהוה; because your honour as Kings and Queens is to search out this matter (2 Timothy 2:15 and Proverbs 25:2). And like יהוה told you earlier in this book in Amos 3:7:
Truly, if you are indeed one of His servents and prophets; this secret will be revealed to you. Through my Holy Hebrew name I am to be a beacon and by definition in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on page B700; definition 3 a beacon is a “A SOURCE OF GUIDANCE OR INSPIRATION.” Surely, I have guided you to this mystery and hopefully inspired you; now it’s up to you to get it. Like the prophets of old, who were also beacons, they showed you these secrets things, but as you know it’s up to you to go about retrieving it. I’ve guided you thus far, Heyu Shalom (Farewell)!!!
Baruach hakodesh Shem, יהוה , Elohiym Gibbowr! Ata qodesh veshimcha kodesh, ukadosheem bechal yom yahallucha. Baruach ata, יהוה , ha-El hakodesh. Ata chonayn leadam da’at, umlamayd lehehnosh binah. Chanaynu meetcha dayah binah vehaskayl. Baruach ata ,יהוה chonayn ha-da’at! [Blessed be the Holy Name of יהוה , The Mighty God! You are Holy and Your Name is Holy, and everyday holy ones will praise You. Blessed are You, יהוה , the Holy God. You grant man knowledge and teach insight to human beings. Endow us graciously from You with knowledge, insight and wisdom. Blessed are You, יהוה, the Giver of Wisdom!]
Huh? What? Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? So I answer them by saying; “Are you not the bread of God, יהוה , which came down from Heaven, and giveth life unto the world, please share with me, your humbled servant, this bread (St. John 6:33-34).” Is this not you? St. John 10:27-30:
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (Is this not you?)My Father, יהוה , which give them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father‘s, יהוה , hand. I and my Father, יהוה , are one.”
Are you and my Father, יהוה , one? Please explain to me? Your humbled servent, יואב , so that I may follow your percepts, and live! No! this is not you! So why do you say to me that you are living, and even for that matter; existing? Because your voice I know not, and on top of that, my Father, יהוה , would never do such a thing; according to Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18:
“In hope of eternal life, which יהוה , that can not lie, promised before the world began.”--Titus 1:2
“That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for יהוה to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:”--Hebrews 6:18
See, the thing with most people is, to them; living and/or existing is simply being able to go about their merry little way, day by day; eating, sleeping, going to and fro; and interacting in everyday activities, boy were you wrong! 1 Timothy 5:6:
“But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.”
What’s going on here is really not a gender thing, ‘cause as you should know, ישראל , was liken or should I say is likened unto a bride and יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה is the bridegroom; so while you’re thinking that you are alive just because you have the breath of life in your lungs; you are as dead as a doorknob. Let me give you an example of what living is from the Book of Jasher; but you all can follow along with me in Genesis 2:7; Jasher chapter 1 verse 2 and it reads:
“And יהוה formed man from the ground, and he blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul endowed with speech.”
That’s what living is right there; “giving life;” oh, you thought just because you have a couple of rugrats running around the house that you are “giving life.” Nope, so you might as well get that thought out of your mind right now, because you are deceiving yourself!! Oh, how do I figure that, no; how do you figure that you “gave life?” you best to go and read Genesis 2:7 again and listen to what יהוה said how He “gave life:”
“And the LORD God, יהוה , formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
See, neither you nor me are intrinsic or indispensable in the giving of life; for to be intrinsic means that you belong to the real nature of a thing. And to be indispensable means that you are absolutely necessary. Which, we are neither; because again our Great, Good, and Terrible God, יהוה , said He FORMED man of the dust of the ground; so do you still think that you are capable of giving life? (2)”THE MOST IMPORTANT INGRDIENT; THE CRUCIAL ELEMENT,” what? the CRUCIAL ELEMENT. To be crucial means that you are extremely significant or important; that without you there will be nothing at all. I will hate to have to burst your little bubble and knock you off your little donkey that you thought was a high horse! (3)”THE INHERENT, UNCHANGING NATURE OF A THING OR CLASS OF THINGS.” That is Malachi 3:6, which reads:
“For I am the LORD, יהוה , I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
Doing that is an influence. יהוה influences us, His Holy People to adhere to His Laws, Statues, Judgments and Commandments, or suffer the consequences of our transgressions against His Laws that were set forth. Once again showing that we are not capable of being unchanging like our Great, Good, and Terrible God, יהוה , who is just and pure just as He said in Job 4:17:
“Shall mortal man be more just than God, יהוה ? shall a man be more pure than his maker?”
MORTAL means that you are “LIABLE OR SUBJECT TO DEATH,” as according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on page M4735; definition 1. In addition, from the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary; Reference # 582; it is the Hebrew word “ אנוש ‘ENOWSH from Strong’s Hebrew # 605 אנש ’ANASH and means “TO BE FRAIL, FEEBLE, OR (FIGURATIVELY) MELANCHOLY:--DESPERATE(-LY WICKED), INCURABLE, SICK, WOEFUL.”
How could you even consider that you are living or existing considering these circumstances of being a liability and subjected to death; inside of this feeble and desperately wicked, sick and incurable vessel of flesh that our soul abideth in. You can’t because it’s sick; the whole head thereof; Isaiah 1:6:
“Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the feet even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores; they havenot been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.”
יהוה , Elohiym Gibbowr (The Mighty God) does not posses these qualities, because He, and Him alone is sELf-existent and eternal, we, in the fleshy vessels that we are in is prone for death. Now I want you to bare/bear in mind that what is being said in this chapter; is not referring to the physical life, but to that of the spirituel living and existing, because it would be foolish of me to speak in such a manner. With that being said let us us examine the word LIVING from the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary; Reference # 2421; which is the Hebrew word “ חיה CHAYAH” and it has the meanings of “TO LIVE, GIVE (PROMISE) LIFE, RECOVER, REPAIR, RESTORE (TO LIFE), REVIVE.” In addition, from the Hebrew English Lexicon of the Hebrew and Chaldean Words; Reference #2421 “ חיה CHAYAH” means “GIVING, PRESERVING, and RESTORING LIFE, STRENGTHEN and MAKE EFFECTUAL.” These are the things one must be able to do in order to be living. One must be able to give the promise of life; revive, preserve, recover, repair, and restore back to life. I don’t know about you, but I only know of one who is capable of such marvelous wonders: Romans 14:9:
“For to this end יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.”
PRAISE יהוה !!! PRAISE יהוה בן יהוה !!! PRAISE יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה!!!
Restore, by definition in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on pages R6136-6137: definitions 1-3; means “TO BRING BACK INTO EXISTENCE OR USE; REESTABLISH;” “TO BRING BACK TO AN ORIGINAL CONDITION;” “TO PUT (SOMEONE) BACK IN A FORMER POSITION.” In addition, in The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale; on page 1029; RESTORE is synonymous to “PUT NEW LIFE INTO, RECALL TO LIFE and QUICKEN.” St. John 6:63:
“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
1 Corinthians 15:45:
“And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.”
“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in יהוה בן יהוה : Who, being in the form of God, יהוה , thought it not robbery to be equal with God יהוה."
But it’s not up to me to give you this secret, you must study and show thyself approved unto God יהוה; because your honour as Kings and Queens is to search out this matter (2 Timothy 2:15 and Proverbs 25:2). And like יהוה told you earlier in this book in Amos 3:7:
“Surely the Lord God, יהוה , will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servents and prophets.”
Truly, if you are indeed one of His servents and prophets; this secret will be revealed to you. Through my Holy Hebrew name I am to be a beacon and by definition in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; on page B700; definition 3 a beacon is a “A SOURCE OF GUIDANCE OR INSPIRATION.” Surely, I have guided you to this mystery and hopefully inspired you; now it’s up to you to get it. Like the prophets of old, who were also beacons, they showed you these secrets things, but as you know it’s up to you to go about retrieving it. I’ve guided you thus far, Heyu Shalom (Farewell)!!!