Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Loftiness of Yow'ab: Chapter 2 pages 8-13

Chapter 2: The Power In My Name

In this chapter, we will go through the power in my/your/our name, and the character of יואב (Yow’ab). Let us turn our Bibles to Exodus 9:16; and it reads:

“And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.”

Yes! יהוה (Yahweh) has raised me up to show His power in me. By me displaying the moral characteristics installed in my/your/our Holy Hebrew name that connects me/you/us to Him and Him to me/you/us, I AM declaring His Holy Most Righteous Name throughout the Earth, showing that He and He alone is God, and there is none other beside Him. For as He stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Ephesians 3:15; my name is like unto His, יהוה (Yahweh). This is the name that was taken and hidden from His chosen ones for over 6,000 years unto the coming of the One, who reached down into the graves of our darken minds, and rose us back to life in His name; יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh). And in this Third Day, He has conquered death, and as promised, He has returned in the embodiment of the Holy Ghost: יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh), and is bringing all things back to our remembrance (Psalm 97:12, 102:12, 112:6; Isaiah 26:8, 43:26; Lamentations 3:20, Malachi 3:16).

It is truly my honor as a Son of יהוה (Yahweh), to bring you this good work in His Holy and Righteous name. Psalm 26:6-8 says:

“I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O LORD, יהוה (Yahweh): That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works. יהוה (Yahweh), I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.”

Praise יהוה (Yahweh)!!! It is my supreme duty to publish and tell you of the wonderful works of יהוה (Yahweh) with a voice of thanksgiving because I love the habitation of His house, where His honor dwell which is in you and me according to Luke 17:21 and 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.  Praise יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh)!!! 

יואב (Yow’ab), according to The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, יואב (Yow’ab), is the executive power of love, the pivotal center within man that preserves the unity and integrity of the soul, body and the individual will, which is the focal point around which all the forces of the organism, objective and subjective, will adjust themselves.
Praise יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh)!!! As you know from 1 John 4:7-8, that יהוה (Yahweh) is love, and being that יואב (Yow’ab) means יהוה (Yahweh)-Fathered (Love-Fathered), based on this single fact in 1 John chapter 4, we can see why יואב (Yow’ab) represents the executive power of love, because I AM/you/we are Fathered by the “Pure Essence of Love,” the lover Himself: יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh). Executive is defined as “the branch of government charged with the execution and administration of the nation’s laws.” With this piece of data, I AM/you/we are charged to carry out all the laws of our Father and our Holy Nation in the Power of Love, which will preserve the unity, and integrity of our mind, body and soul in any capacity of existence. The root to executive is execute, which by definition in The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale; on page 376; it says I AM/you/we are “to carry out love, to accomplish love, to perform love, to do all things with love, to discharge love, to fulfill love, to consummate with love; to succeed in love, to manage love, to have a mastermind of love, to engineer love, to negotiate with love, to bring about love, to make love happen, to cause people to love, to effect love, to be effectuate with love; to be put through love, to produce love, to turn out in love, to achieve with love, to attain love, to carry through with love, and to have complete love” for and towards everything that is יהוה (Yahweh). This is my/your/our Divine Duty as being יואב (Yow’ab/Yahweh-Fathered), because יהוה (Yahweh) is Pure Unadulterated, Uncut, and Untampered with LOVE!!! I AM telling you this prophetically and emphatically from the depths of my very being. For if you do not, or just will not love, what is your purpose for life?

Power by definition on the authority of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; 3rd Edition; PDF version; definition 9c and 15; on page P5684; is characterized as [9c] “electrical or mechanical energy, especially as used to assist or replace human energy” and [15] “the sixth of the nine orders of angels.” This executive power of love that is possessed by being or becoming יואב (Yow’ab)-is anything but human-it’s electrical. It will electrify your mind to an angelic existence that is far beyond any love you have ever witness here on earth. This is the type of love that I/you/we must attain in becoming יואב (Yow’ab). I/you/we must express an empyrean, empyreal kind of love to fully become יואב (Yow’ab).

Love, our highest word, and the synonym of God, יהוה (Yahweh), according to 1 John 4:7-8, which says:

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of יהוה (Yahweh); and every one that loveth is born of יהוה (Yahweh), and knoweth יהוה (Yahweh). He that loveth not knoweth not יהוה (Yahweh); for יהוה (Yahweh), is love.”

Praise יהוה (Yahweh)!!! Love according to The Strong’s Greek Dictionary; Reference number 26, Love is the Greek word {agaph} agape, ag-ah’-pay; and means “love, that is affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:--(feast of) charity([-ably]), dear, love.” By this, we see that love is to be festive, which is a Divine Attribute; it is becoming one with the One Mind: יהוה (Yahweh).  יהוה (Yahweh) is love and love is יהוה (Yahweh), a quality of Being  יהוה (Yahweh) (1 John 4:7-13). The difference between Divine Love and  Human Love; is that Divine Love is more of an broad and unlimited, universal and harmonic power. Whereas, Human love, is based on personality and is selfish, lawless, and feeble. In reality, there is only One Love, יהוה (Yahweh). When you express Divine Love in the unlimited ways, you make a separation in consciousness and your expression of love is personal instead of universal. Divine Love will establish one in fearlessness and courage. Ephesians 3:17-19:

“That Christ יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh), which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of יהוה (Yahweh).”

By establishing yourself in the consciousness of Divine Love and expressing that love at all times, you are helped in fulfilling the commandment “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthew 5:44).” The development of Divine Love has its place, demonstrating a supply and demand of love. When you have love embedded in your consciousness, you will begin to draw to you, all that you may require to make you happy and content, and all that belongs to you. You develop love in your heart by asking יהוה (Yahweh) that the infinite “power of love” be poured out upon you, by praying, meditating, and affirming that you are one with יהוה (Yahweh) and express it at all times, the Perfect Love of יהוה (Yahweh). 

With love, all things can be achieved. I ask you, how many times have you heard of people fighting and going to war because of them loving one another to much? Never! And it will never happen. Wars and rumors of wars are only caused by hate, and the Father of it, Satan. He, Satan, loves everything but love, and that which is righteous and holy. I want you to over-stand that with the power of יהוה (Yahweh), the executive power of יהוה (Yahweh), I/you/we cannot be stopped, it will be impossible. Praise יהוה (Yahweh)!!! 

The Yahweh-Fathered aspect of יואב (Yow’ab), is very special in itself. Just look at yourself in the mirror and recite it: “Yahweh-Fathered;” this will create an vibronic (change in molecular energy states associated with the vibrational energy of Atoms/Adams) effect in your medulla oblongata (the lowermost portion of the vertebrate brain, continuous with the spinal cord, responsible for the control of respiration, circulation, and other bodily functions). This is an anabiosis process restoring you back to life from a deathlike condition; that will resuscitate metabolism (from the Greek metabolë, change) buoyancy (ability to recover quickly from setbacks; resilience). Just the vibratory resonance sound of the pronunciation of the name יואב (Yow’ab) would set this Divine Undertaking of the mind of
יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh)-the foundation of love-in motion making me/you/us apart of the Triune Cycle of the Father, Son and The Holy Ghost. 

Moreover, set-apart from other people, a powerful representation of the three being One in me/you/us and in vice versa (Psalm 82:6; St. John 10:30, 34-35; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; 1 John 5:7-8). Praise יהוה (Yahweh)!!!

יואב (Yow'ab), by name, can be juxtaposed with יעקב (Jacob’s) Ladder (Genesis 28:12). יעקב (Jacob’s) Ladder represents step-by-step (in the sense of climbing up a ladder) the realization of the Truth, יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh). יואב (Yow'ab’s) pure thoughts ascend and descend into consciousness, as he spiritually eradicates sexual energy, individualism, desire and lust. When spiritualized thoughts of the mind become the seed it will bless all the earth.

The Lord יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) is constantly in our midst, and I/you/we must eventually come into a Divine State of Consciousness; the mind is startled when it discovers יהוה (Yahweh) to be an omnipresent principle. This represents the realization that the body is a temple of יהוה (Yahweh) and that the mind is the gate to heaven (Philippians 2:5).

In the light of understanding, the ability to discern the inner thoughts of the mind and of the heart, to discriminate as to their real intent, and also to decide whether they shall remain or if they should be put out of consciousness. This is the inherited law of destruction to all the enemies of the natural man that is represented by יואב (Yow’ab) (Ephesians 4:24). This ability belongs to the restored consciousness or true, enlightened thoughts in man. It does a lot towards bringing about the re-establishing of spiritual worship of the hearts center (the mind), יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh), and toward the spiritualizing of the entire being: Mind, Body, and Soul. Thus, יואב (Yow’ab), takes on a metamorphosing modification of expressing the I AM within self, the indwelling of the Christ:
יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh).

We link ourselves with outer seemings, we make conscious union with the Father יהוה (Yahweh), with the Son יהוה (Yahweh), and with the Holy Spirit יהוה (Yahweh), and the abiding life, wisdom, love, peace, strength, power, truth, and the Kingdom of the heavens within us (Luke 17:21). When you tap into your inner יהוה (Yahweh), it assures that the preponderance of power is with the spiritual, in which the fear throws dirt in your eyes and hides the mighty spiritual forces that are always with us (Matthew 28:20). This can also be explained as the metaphysical name of the spiritual self, יואב (Yow’ab), as distinguished from the sensate self. The mind, in becoming יואב (Yow’ab), is governed by יהוה (Yahweh), and a conscious unity must finally be made to preserve the oneness of creation. This is what was meant by יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) in Matthew 7:21 when he said; “he that doeth the will of my Father.” I/you/we must do the very will of יהוה (Yahweh) in our will, which is virtually to surrender your whole being to יהוה (Yahweh).

When it comes to names with outstanding and profound meanings, יואב (Yow'ab) most certainly stands out among them all. יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) is יהוה (Yahweh) in His saving work. With this overstanding, let us turn to our subject character, יואב (Yow'ab), and see what else this name reveals. We find that the specific testimony of His purpose as spoken to יוסף (Yowceph) was to reveal or provide the salvation of יהוה (Yahweh). יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) is "יהוה (Yahweh) as the Savior," and יואב (Yow'ab) is "יהוה (Yahweh)-Fathered." In fact, יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) is the very representation of יהוה (Yahweh) as the Savior, so we can conclude that, regarding to יואב (Yow'ab), whose name tells us that he is יהוה (Yahweh) as the Father. Once we begin to examine the life of יואב (Yow’ab), you will begin to understand how this man, whom דיוד (Daviyd) said was “too difficult” for him (2 Samuel 3:39), so completely represents יהוה (Yahweh) in His Fatherly actions. You will greatly enjoy this study and find it entirely amazing as יהוה (Yahweh) reveals Himself, His ways, and His plans evidenced through the affairs of man.

יואב (Yow'ab), from the book Biblical Names and Their Meanings from Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible; PDF version; יואב (Yow'ab) is defined as “paternity; voluntary.” Paternity by definition in the Webster’s New World Dictionary; paperback version; © 2003; on page 472; definitions 1 and 2;  paternity is explained to be “the state of being a father” and “male parentage.” Through this definition of paternity; יואב (Yow’ab) is the representation of the Hebrew word אשתמע (‘Eshtmoa`) in the reality of Yahweh being a Father by it’s meaning from the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary; © 1931; on page 207; which is “hearing; hearkening; understanding; obedience; and submission;” which are the attributes that we must administer towards the Laws, Statues, Judgments, and Commandments of our God, יהוה (Yahweh). This will bring about a nature of paternalism (the governing or controlling of a country [the mind], in a manner suggesting a father’s relationship with his children), only as we come to know our sonship and our true relation to God, יהוה (Yahweh), that we enter into the consciousness of love/יהוה (Yahweh) and the tender affiliation with the Spirit of יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh) that is signified by the word paternal (related through the “father’s” side of the family; devoted, loving; patriarchal). 

As being a fathering spirit; we love our children, so responsibility for their well-being is not only natural, but welcome. What if we felt this same kind of love and care that we feel for our children toward the whole world and everything in it—toward all the creatures that ever lived, that are alive today, and that will be alive at any time in the future? That immense love is spiritual bliss. יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh), our Father, helps us to experience this immense love, and to make it inherent in our nature. When we realize that we have no choice but to treat each other well, and with pure love, we will decide that we have to love our fellow beings and ask for this power from above. This power will come from the Creator, from the Upper Light, יהוה (Yahweh), and we will reach correction. Herein lies the inherent optimism of 
יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh). 

So now we’re all sharing in life, just like cells in a body, where each cell depends on the life of the whole organism. If the other souls think about you, you will live. If they don’t think about you, you will die. That law is the condition for spiritual, as well as physical life. When the soul's divinity is involved with יהוה (Yahweh), both being of one essence, will, intelligence and life, become intelligible in the supreme being,
יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh). Divine results which are attained by supreme divine efforts, the divinity of the soul expressing its divine attributes as omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience and “Perfect Love,” the attributes which are potential qualities of the soul. If, on the other hand, the soul can and does express its divinity, so that it sees, hears and feels beyond the power, law and limitation of the senses; “The Christ Psychology” begins with the divine and ends with the human order of “Will, Intelligence, Feeling and Life.” יהוה (Yahweh's) will is expressed in the universe as Law not caprice, Order not chaos; Intelligence not chance and accidents; Love not hate; Life not death. And the use we make of our willing, thinking and feeling as each one wills, thinks and feels, is registered in the character of his life.

Thus, the Law not only governs and finds its supreme justification in one's divinity, where it originates, but in humanity, not only in the spiritual, but the natural world. Our divinity is in our humanity and the character of humanity is the negative or positive results of the expression of our divinity. It is the same Law governing the divine and natural man in the spiritual and natural world (1 Corinthians 15:40-49). “The Christ Psychology” differs in name only from the “New Psychology” Divinity as the fundamental key to the solution of the problems of man's life. It builds its technique on spiritual facts and knowledge. It proves its proposition by supersensuous (above or beyond the perception of the senses) or spiritual evidences. These evidences to the natural man, who has not yet been enlightened or initiated into the spiritual mysteries of יהוה בן יהוה בן יהוה (Yahweh Ben Yahweh Ben Yahweh), are foolishness.

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יואב בן יהוה (YOW'AB BEN-YAHWEH)

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